

TTMS experts about the IT world, the latest technologies and the solutions we implement.

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E-Learning in higher education — how effective can it be?

E-Learning in higher education — how effective can it be?

Higher education has to be equal to nowadays demands and many challenges. Interesting craft courses, which are in many cases “good enough” to get an interesting job, decreasing the number of students, digitalization… Additionally, students are in a continuous rush, suffer from disturbance of attention. May e-learning be a cure?

Optimising Adobe AEM for business and technical efficiency

Optimising Adobe AEM for business and technical efficiency

Companies need to reach their customers in a modern and streamlined way — the basic channel these days is the web. The challenge here is to secure the fundamental requirement to keep communications clear, up to date and compliant — very often across dozens of markets. This is where enterprise Content Management Systems come into […]

Cloud of development opportunities with appropriate CRM system

Cloud of development opportunities with appropriate CRM system

Young companies are usually reluctant to use advanced customer relationship management systems (CRM) mostly for rational reasons: financial and organizational issues, the availability of classic solutions (i. e. spreadsheets) and free tools. It often turns out that the applied solutions are not sufficient. There are growing needs in the area of management systems that allow […]

Transition Technologies: anti-crisis plans work

Transition Technologies: anti-crisis plans work

Transition Technologies Capital Group achieved operating revenue of over PLN 200 million in the first half of 2020, which is a 25% increase year to year.

IT outsourcing — a secure future for Polish companies

IT outsourcing — a secure future for Polish companies

Every fourth company plans to increase expenditure on IT outsourcing. The reason is simple: although the COVID-19 pandemic surprised everyone, it did not leave a major mark on those businesses, that have invested in ICT solutions.

E-learning in 2020 — a response to the age-old problems of learning?

E-learning in 2020 — a response to the age-old problems of learning?

E-learning — which already in the 90s supported the classic model of teaching — assisted by new technological trends, today has eclipsed it in many cases. Of course, the catalyst for change in recent months has been the coronavirus pandemic, which limited the possibilities of direct learning.


The world’s largest corporations have trusted us

Wiktor Janicki Poland

We hereby declare that Transition Technologies MS provides IT services on time, with high quality and in accordance with the signed agreement. We recommend TTMS as a trustworthy and reliable provider of Salesforce IT services.

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Julien Guillot Schneider Electric

TTMS has really helped us thorough the years in the field of configuration and management of protection relays with the use of various technologies. I do confirm, that the services provided by TTMS are implemented in a timely manner, in accordance with the agreement and duly.

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Monika Radomska

Sales Manager