TTMS experts about the IT world, the latest technologies and the solutions we implement.
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Service Cloud – order in the service department. Finally.
One of the main problems of customer service is that the history of communication with the customer is scattered across various channels. There are a lot of them: phone call, e-mail, chat, website form, chatbot. The risk of chaos and duplication of work is therefore higher and higher. This is facilitated by the fact that […]
ReadLublin IT Upland – students in the most rock office in Poland
It’s not so easy to find good employees. We try to encourage them to work with us in advance. That is why TTMS Lublin – the most rock office in Poland – hosted students of technical and high schools from Lublin and the surrounding area.
ReadDo you need to be able to program to create applications? About the low-code entry barrier
Webcon is a low-code tool used to improve business processes. With its help, we can automate workflows, create user-friendly forms and generate the necessary documents and attachments.
ReadWebcon – let’s build a ship
Let’s go back to Lego bricks as a comparison pattern for Webcon. In the previous article, I compared building with blocks to create processes in Webcon BPS. We discussed the possibilities, creativity, unlimited (almost) implementation of our ideas – so as to provide the business with the process they dreamed of. I am talking about […]
ReadData sources in Webcon BPS
Efficient management of enterprise resources enables users to work faster, do more, and thus – more and more effectively. Therefore, today the determinant is not only having a number of systems for managing broadly understood content, but also the possibility and ease of integrating them with various types of data sources so as to have […]
ReadPowerApps vs Webcon
The WEBCON BPS platform is an alternative to Microsoft Power Platform (Power Apps + Power Automate). However, there are many differences between them in the context of building an application, designing diagrams or introducing changes. One key aspect to consider are the Webcon and Power Apps limitations, which are also described in this article.
ReadThe world’s largest corporations have trusted us
We hereby declare that Transition Technologies MS provides IT services on time, with high quality and in accordance with the signed agreement. We recommend TTMS as a trustworthy and reliable provider of Salesforce IT services.
TTMS has really helped us thorough the years in the field of configuration and management of protection relays with the use of various technologies. I do confirm, that the services provided by TTMS are implemented in a timely manner, in accordance with the agreement and duly.