

TTMS experts about the IT world, the latest technologies and the solutions we implement.

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Is Webcon like parfaits?

Is Webcon like parfaits?

You know what ELSE everybody likes? Parfaits! Have you ever met a person, you say, “Let’s get some parfait,” they say, “Hell no, I don’t like no parfait.”? Parfaits are delicious! Is Webcon like parfaits?

Advantages of Webcon

Advantages of Webcon

Working on simple solutions can be… even easier. This also applies to building business applications – since the popularity of LCDP (Low-Code Development Platform) systems is growing.

The band of “Lewy” and Justyna Kowalczyk’s skis – already in our hands!

The band of “Lewy” and Justyna Kowalczyk’s skis – already in our hands!

Not all the forms of support for Ukraine that we choose are standard. We try to help every day in a traditional way: we send gifts both to the civilian population and to the front. We finance actions in which help, also non-financial, is provided to Ukrainian refugee families.

Business application in a week? It is only possible with Power Apps.

Business application in a week? It is only possible with Power Apps.

Power Apps – an alternative in designing mobile applications Does application development have to be difficult and its implementation time-consuming? There is a belief persisting in many companies that creating applications (even for internal use) is a tedious, long, and difficult process. But why is that so? There are two reasons (both related to the […]

Business processes in a simpler form – WebCon

Business processes in a simpler form – WebCon

To paraphrase Einstein, at #PowerTeamTTMS, we believe that processes “should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler“. IT systems are usually associated with very complex tools, the maintenance of which requires a lot of knowledge and an army of highly qualified programmers.

How we helped Volvo Car Poland become a data-driven company.

How we helped Volvo Car Poland become a data-driven company.

Business analytics 2022 – Volvo Car Poland case  What do Google, Amazon, and Facebook have in common? Data. The power of each of these technological giants lies in the skillful use of data in business.  According to Forbes, in 2021, companies will spend USD 215 billion on data analytics. That’s 10% more than the year […]


The world’s largest corporations have trusted us

Wiktor Janicki Poland

We hereby declare that Transition Technologies MS provides IT services on time, with high quality and in accordance with the signed agreement. We recommend TTMS as a trustworthy and reliable provider of Salesforce IT services.

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Julien Guillot Schneider Electric

TTMS has really helped us thorough the years in the field of configuration and management of protection relays with the use of various technologies. I do confirm, that the services provided by TTMS are implemented in a timely manner, in accordance with the agreement and duly.

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Monika Radomska

Sales Manager