

TTMS experts about the IT world, the latest technologies and the solutions we implement.

Posts by: Marcin Kapuściński

Teams: post-summer changes

Teams: post-summer changes

Working with Teams and Office 365 is a bit like a paranoid dream. Microsoft continues to add, improve and change features. Sometimes I don’t know if there was something missing yesterday, or if it just seems to me – said Jarosław Szybiński, Business Development Manager at Transition Technologies MS in an interview with JustGeek.IT. We […]

Transition Technologies at the head of Polish IT

Transition Technologies at the head of Polish IT

Among the largest IT companies with Polish capital, Transition Technologies, our parent company ranks 7th. The ranking, published annually by the ITwiz website, takes into account the year 2020 and the revenues generated in it.

Our first ESG Report

Our first ESG Report

Transition Technologies MS S.A. publishes its first non-financial ESG report on environmental, social and management issues TTMS took less than six years to become a global company. Such dynamic development means challenges the nature of which is not only reflected in financial data. Therefore, although we are not legally obliged to do so, we have […]

Ecology means well-being

Ecology means well-being

“We found, that if we are to change the office, let’s change it for the better in every respect, including ecology – ecology is an inseparable element of our strategy” – says Małgorzata Szewczyk, Administration Director at TTMS. Together with Marta Kapelak, Business Development Manager, they are responsible for eco activities in the company.

Teams furnishings 2.0

Teams furnishings 2.0

What’s the future of teamwork? Nobody knows, where they will be located on the “traditional work – 100% remote work” axis, but technological giants are already developing and improving solutions for all possible scenarios. They learn on the fly and quckly react to what works and what doesn’t. The latest idea from Microsoft is a […]

Teams: news for developers

Teams: news for developers

Note: If you are not a programmer, there is a risk that after reading the first paragraph, your attention will shift from this highly specialized content to the microwave oven manual. Don’t worry: we’ve got something for you too.
