
AEM TTMS Team: time for plans and summaries

The team dealing with AEM technology in TTMS consists of almost 90 people. It is not often that all, or at least most of the team, are gathered in one place.

The opportunity to meet in person (at least a large part of the team) – at the TTMS Poznań office – was a great opportunity to:

  • summarize projects carried out by the team,
  • present TTMS AEM Team development plans.

Michał Trojanowski, responsible at TTMS for Adobe Experience Manager, told about the event.

Wiktor Janicki Poland

We hereby declare that Transition Technologies MS provides IT services on time, with high quality and in accordance with the signed agreement. We recommend TTMS as a trustworthy and reliable provider of Salesforce IT services.

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Julien Guillot Schneider Electric

TTMS has really helped us thorough the years in the field of configuration and management of protection relays with the use of various technologies. I do confirm, that the services provided by TTMS are implemented in a timely manner, in accordance with the agreement and duly.

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Monika Radomska

Sales Manager