

TTMS experts about the IT world, the latest technologies and the solutions we implement.

Posts by: Marcin Kapuściński

Transition Technologies — is it Covid-proof?

Transition Technologies — is it Covid-proof?

Transition Technologies Capital Group — IT leader in the field of energy, gas, medical IT and industry, summarizes the first quarter and forecasts the first half of of 2020.

Using the cloud: is Poland catching up with Europe?

Using the cloud: is Poland catching up with Europe?

Companies are increasingly realizing, that a lack of cloud competences means lowering revenues and competitiveness on the market for a company. Here’s what we learned from the study, conducted by ARC Market and Opinion studio (commissioned by Aruba Cloud), in which Polish, Czech and Hungarian companies were questioned*:

Transition Technologies: next year we will not be the same, but certainly with a higher turnover.

Transition Technologies: next year we will not be the same, but certainly with a higher turnover.

You can already see the importance of remote work and IT systems, and the sector’s resilience to limitations — in some ways you should look at the crisis as a unique opportunity for IT — says prof. Konrad Świrski, CEO of Transition Technologies Capital Group, interviewed by Computerworld. Here are the most interesting insights after […]

Are we an ‘Information Society’?

Are we an ‘Information Society’?

The 2019’th theme of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) is Bridging the Standardization Gap. How does it apply in business and internal communication?

Public Cloud — the new game changer

Public Cloud — the new game changer

Cloud Computing, Public, Private or Hybrid Cloud. We are hearing about each of them a lot these days. This market changing technology started seeking attention not only in IT departments but also among people who are in charge of business. And this is not surprising — cloud computing is a real game changer, a technology […]

Playing with bricks or making websites — why not both?

Playing with bricks or making websites — why not both?

Have you ever imagined building vast full-featured websites as easily as using kids’ toys? If not, this article will make your jaw drop.
