TTMS experts about the IT world, the latest technologies and the solutions we implement.
Posts by: Marcin Kapuściński
Who increased the champagne buget?
Who increased the champagne budget? What were they saying when my coffee machine made noise? What is the security guard doing at my doorstep? What do the above questions have in common? All of them are responded to by new functionalities, that have recently appeared in the M365 environment.
ReadIs the defense sector in the 21st century innovative? – part 3
We invite you to the last part of the interview with Paweł Fleischer, Business Development Manager at TTMS. This time we will focus on the non-obvious dependencies between the defense and commercial sectors.
ReadIs the defense sector in the 21st century innovative? – part 2
Who is investing in the defense sector? How are US military companies dealing with lagging far behind the private sector in research and technology development? We invite you to read the second part of the interview with Paweł Fleischer, Business Development Manager at TTMS.
ReadIs the defense sector in the 21st century innovative? – part 1.
Are we on the eve of replacing commanders with artificial intelligence? How can the Internet of Things support the battlefield? We present the first part of the conversation between Marcin Kapuściński and Paweł Fleischer, Business Development Manager at TTMS.
ReadMicrosoft Teams raises the bar
With their subsequent activities, the creators of Teams consistently confirm that remote work – and ultimately hybrid work – is not a replacement model or a temporary fashion. It is a space taken seriously by Microsoft, to which it is worth delivering technological investments both at the code and hardware level.
ReadTTMS begins support for NATO Innovation Hub
Transition Technologies – Managed Services participates in supporting the Innovation Hub, a special unit established by the Allied Command Transformation (ACT). TTMS experts will support its activities in the area of IT systems development.