ESG Strategy
As Transition Technologies MS, we have developed and adopted an ESG strategy up to 2025. It is based on six pillars, which are also the main goals. We want to:
- offer secure digital services of the highest quality,
- attract outstanding people and work in a unique, non-corporate atmosphere,
- build diverse teams that respect people of different genders, cultures and faiths,
- share success with the community,
- operate in an environmentally neutral manner,
- provide the highest standards of governance.
Our activities, both business and non-business, contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
ESG report at a glance
employees and associates
employees working more than 5 years
foreign companies
offices in Poland
mln EUR
We have reduced our carbon footprint by 57%:
Our ambition, in line with our strategy, is to operate in an environmentally neutral way and, in particular, to achieve climate neutrality in the very short term. In 2022, we set ourselves an ambitious target: to reduce our carbon footprint by 50% by 2023 and to reach zero emissions by 2025.
Thanks to compensation measures, we achieved our target for 2023 – we reduced our carbon footprint by 57%.
We planted 12,000 trees!
In 2023, we partnered with to plant a total of up to 12,000 trees.
trees planted
of forested area
absorbed per year
to whom the planted trees will provide oxygen
News of this year
New location of TTMS headquarters
In the second half of 2023, we moved the TTMS headquarters to Varso Tower. The building has a number of certificates, demonstrating the above-standard implementation of sustainability requirements.
New foreign company
In 2023, we opened TTMS Software India Private Limited in Bengaluru, India. The new company works closely with TTMS Malaysia, serving our customers in the Asian market.
Peatland renaturisation
At the end of 2023, the peatlands we rescued in collaboration with Lasy Państwowe recovered their natural values.
Photo: Filip Przyłucki, Nadleśnictwo Przemków
Ready to take your business to the next level?
Let’s talk about how TTMS can help.
Małgorzata Szewczyk
Director of the Management and Administration Office