
How we helped Volvo Car Poland become a data-driven company?


The project aimed to improve the processes in the company, organize the reporting, and thus – increase the competitive advantage in the market.

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The improvement was required in 3 areas: customer service, sales, and marketing. Consequently, we addressed three problems:

Customer Service Report

The company collected data in Excel and its analysis was time-consuming. A toot, that could generate an automatic report, was needed.

Sales Report

It was essential for the company to follow the implementation of sales plans. Unfortunately, reports from many places were created in Excel, and their analysis and the need to manually refresh them took a lot of time.

Marketing Report

In order to be created, it was necessary to integrate data from various sources (Google Analytics, Call Center, registration of completed test drives).


The solution was to create a set of tools, that could generate automatic, agile reports – customer service, sales, and marketing.

In the case of customer service, we have implemented a report in Power BI based on data export. The report refreshes automatically on a schedule without involving additional people. Thanks to the rich and interactive layer of reports, it is very easy to assess HOw many cases are sent to the Customer Service Center and HOw quickly they are closed.

When it comes to sales reports, we also used the Business Intelligence solution here – a report in Power BI, using data warehouses, refreshes automatically and on a schedule, without involving additional people.

In turn, the solution for the marketing report turned out to be a cross-sectional report in Power BI, combining many data sources, monitoring trends, and facilitating analysis of the effectiveness of marketing campaigns or visits to websites.

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Thanks to Power BI, the company was able to optimize its customer service offices. Now it is known how many people to operate the hotline will be needed in certain time frames. You can easily see what customers are reporting and help them right away. The automatically generated Customer Service Report made it possible to go straight to the action. Directly from the report, you can send an e-mail to the client on a given matter. Thanks to Power BI, the company was able to optimize its customer service offices. Now it is known how many people to operate the hotline will be needed in certain time frames. You can easily see what customers are reporting and help them right away. The company gained: an effective hotline reporting system, monitoring of registered cases and replies provided, and the ability to provide recommendations for actions. It can now monitor the hotline load on an ongoing basis, serve end users faster, and also send e-mails directly from the system to them.

When it comes to applying our solutions in the sales department, thanks to the implementation of several metrics, the company can now compare different periods (month to previous month, any period from a given year to the same period in the previous year). This allows you to find out more about trends and test sales effectiveness. We know how many invoices have been issued, how many products have been issued, and most of all we get one simple chart, not a report of several dozen pages. The company can follow the implementation of sales plans on an ongoing basis – it can easily check the target execution and can take appropriate actions on time.

When it comes to sales reports, we also used the Business Intelligence solution here – a report in Power BI, using data warehouses, refreshes automatically and on a schedule, without involving additional people.

On the other hand, the combination of marketing data and reports from Google Analytics with the customer’s sales system enabled ongoing insight into the sales funnel. You know how many customers in the funnel turn into the so-called warm leads and which promotion channel is the most effective.

At the business level, the implementation of the BI System software helped Volvo Car Poland improve its decision-making processes. Thanks to the unified platform, everyone can see the same data and work efficiently on one program, without sending e-mails or manual processing of reports. At the same time, the number of reports performed decreased, because thanks to the security layer, everyone sees only the appropriate set of data in the shared reports. The same report viewed by the board of directors will contain all the data, and when viewed by the regional director, it will only include data for that particular region. Therefore, the need to create such truncated statements on one’s own has been eliminated.

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