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Posts by: Norbert Kulski
Find out what is Power BI and how does it work. Discover how it can benefit your company
Welcome to the realm of Microsoft's Power BI, a fascinating tool that transforms raw data into sheds of insight for effective business strategizing.
ReadPower BI Pricing and Licensing: How Does It Work?
Power BI is one of the most popular data analysis tools on the market, which allows entrepreneurs to view complex information sets in the form of clear visualizations. Faced with the growing need to use data in the decision-making process, more and more companies are considering implementing this solution. But before they make an investment, […]
Read5 reporting myths from the point of view of a Business Intelligence architect
Every day – as a Business Intelligence architect and BI consultant – I encounter interesting beliefs. Most of them are unjustified. In the following text, I have collected all the myths in one place. I hope that they will help change the way of thinking about reports, because I believe that conscious business decisions should […]
ReadA modern analytical platform – Make it Simple
Probably, everyone is aware today of the need to analyze the data in their organization. Not only that, today we can attempt to analyze data also from outside our ecosystem – these can be, for example, publicly available or purchased demographic data, data about our position in relation to the competition, content analysis from broadly […]
ReadSnowflake – a modern data Warehouse
From time to time, innovative solutions appear that can bring a truly new quality to the area in which they specialize. In this article, I would like to discuss Snowflake – an innovation in the field of data analytics.