

TTMS experts about the IT world, the latest technologies and the solutions we implement.

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EU-U.S. privacy shield, our comment

EU restrictions may force US companies to change their data reporting practices. To comply with the new guidelines, companies are likely to adopt more advanced encryption. Some US-based companies will have to significantly change the way they secure their data to continue working with European companies. This is assumed by the EU project, which contains […]


2020 – a year, that we will always remember

How do we perceive the passing year in TTMS? Looking at the macro scale, the IT sector was strengthening and stabilizing even before the pandemic. After a difficult 2016, when the market value fell by more than 5%, the following years brought regular growth. In 2019, there was a clear upward trend in working in […]


TTMS on the Silver Level in the Salesforce program

Salesforce certification took place recently and we promised to disclose the results of our specialists. TTMS employees have studied diligently to update their knowledge of operating this powerful CRM platform. Thanks to the regular improvement of competences, we have officially become a Silver Partner.


Slack in the hands of Salesforce

Salesforce is arming itself. It has just agreed on the largest transaction in history – from February 2021, the purchase of Slack, the communicator for collective work, will become a reality. So far, the record of Marc Benioff, CEO of SF, has been the acquisition of Tableau data analysis platform for $ 15 billion. This time […]


AEM Academy – in the search of new Messi

They write in Java. They want to acquire new knowledge. They dream about access to Adobe certificates and educational materials of the highest quality. They are looking for a team of mentors who, within a few months, will prepare them to participate in commercial, large projects and … let them onto the pitch from the […]


Salesforce – TTMS specialists improve their qualifications

The Salesforce Certification Days are approaching – this is the time, when a group of specialists from Transition Technologies MS S.A. sit down to learn to update their knowledge in the field of leading CRM service. Soon many of them will be able to boast of new certificates confirming their skills. And there are 53 […]


The world’s largest corporations have trusted us

Wiktor Janicki Poland

We hereby declare that Transition Technologies MS provides IT services on time, with high quality and in accordance with the signed agreement. We recommend TTMS as a trustworthy and reliable provider of Salesforce IT services.

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Julien Guillot Schneider Electric

TTMS has really helped us thorough the years in the field of configuration and management of protection relays with the use of various technologies. I do confirm, that the services provided by TTMS are implemented in a timely manner, in accordance with the agreement and duly.

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Ready to take your business to the next level?

Let’s talk about how TTMS can help.

Monika Radomska

Sales Manager