
Home Internal Communication

Internal communications support

We will support you in any activity related to internal communications and employees’ engagement.

We are a team of communications specialists, who will support you in any activity related to internal communications and employees’ engagement. We gained our experience working for more than 8 years with a global client, helping them to build and maintain internal communications messaging.

We will assist you in building dialogue with your employees in a professional matter and visually attractive form.

We will collaborate with your teams taking care of your daily comms tasks and sharing our expertise.

Why you need a good internal communications:

How we can support:

  • Issue organizational announcements and company updates

  • Create and send out internal newsletters and e-mails

  • Build and maintain company’s intranet pages and portals

  • Deliver communications in a proper way and timely manner

  • Use company’s branding principals in all internal materials

  • Standardize communications processes and procedures

  • Monitor various mailboxes and handle queries or alerting team members to incoming messages that need attention

  • Gather stats and metrics to measure communications impact

  • Monitor and manage company’s internal social media platforms

  • Monitor and manage company’s internal social media platforms

We work with:

Microsoft 360 applications
Newsletter tools e.g. APSIS One
Social Media platforms like Viva Engage (Yammer), Beekeeper
CMS platforms e.g. WordPress, Sitefinity, AEM
Any other company specific CMS and systems

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Let’s talk about how TTMS can help.

Kamil Bojarski

Head of e-Learning