
We publish the first ever TTMS ESG Report on environmental, social and management issues.

Marcin Kapuściński

Transition Technologies MS S.A. publishes its first non-financial ESG report on environmental, social and management issues

TTMS took less than six years to become a global company. Such dynamic development means challenges the nature of which is not only reflected in financial data. Therefore, although we are not legally obliged to do so, we have made a decision on non-financial reporting. ESG reports will provide insight into our management method and information about the impact of our activities on the broadly understood environment.


Green energy-powered offices

By 2025, TTMS plans to become climate neutral. It is a state where possible greenhouse gas emissions are offset by the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The TTMS Group has been estimating its carbon footprint since 2019. In 2020, it issued approx. 170 thousand. tons of Co2 into the atmosphere, by 7% less than a year earlier. By 2025, emissions should be close to zero, allowing for carbon neutrality. The company is working on the implementation of the ISO 14000 environmental standard, which will help it control the quality and scope of the pro-ecological initiatives introduced. As a provider of modern IT outsourcing, TTMS tries not only to minimize the carbon footprint, but also to use technologies to reduce emissions. In the cities where the company has offices, tree plantings are planned to reduce urban heat islands and numerous ecological projects, including the protection of wetlands and peatlands, which help to retain water, bind carbon dioxide and constitute a valuable ecosystem for the entire planet.


Global reach, local specialists

Since its establishment in 2015, the TTMS Group has increased employment six times (by 586 percent), expanded its international structures and increased its sales twelve times. In 2020, the TTMS team consisted of over 530 experts – most often they are programmers, system architects, testers, project managers and people dealing with direct customer support. Acting globally, the Company cooperates with IT specialists mainly in Europe and Asia. Their employment is handled by an international HR team, thanks to which the Company has access to foreign labor markets.

The company invests in a new generation of IT specialists. As part of cooperation with universities, it offers students internships or academies dedicated to a specific technology, after which participants find permanent employment at TTMS. The company reaches students with the offer of internships through internet portals and by taking part in such events as job fairs, organized webinars or open days.


Data security and better management

Data security is of key importance in the operation of TTMS. The company uses the most advanced specialized IT solutions and systems as well as above-average measures in the field of broadly understood information security. They are based, inter alia, based on ISO / IEC27001 standards – Information Security Management System, which obliges TTMS to conduct annual audits and continuous quality control of the systems. Cooperation with international organizations from the pharmaceutical and defense sectors requires the fulfillment of additional procedures, an example of which is the PSCI (Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative) accreditation obtained by the Company, confirming the fulfillment of a number of requirements allowing work in this industry or obtaining a license from the Ministry of Interior and Administration, which defines work standards in distribution and distribution projects. development, implementation and maintenance of software for the police and the army.