
We publish the ESG report for 2023

Marcin Kapuściński

In the annual ESG report, we present our activities in the areas of Environmental, Social, and Governance.

The presented report is the fourth non-financial (ESG) report prepared and published by Transition Technologies MS SA along with its subsidiaries. This year, the following companies are included:

  • TTMS Software UK Ltd (United Kingdom),
  • TTMS Software Sdn Bhd (Malaysia),
  • TTMS Nordic A/S (Denmark),
  • TTMS Software India Private Limited (India).

The report was prepared using GRI Standards 2021 indicators. It covers the year 2023, i.e., the period from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. It was not subject to external auditor verification, but the company took all due care to ensure the information presented is reliable.
Go to the ESG report for 2023

ESG Strategy

As Transition Technologies MS, we have developed and adopted an ESG strategy until 2025. It is based on six pillars, which are also the main goals:

  1. We want to offer safe, high-quality digital services
  2. We want to attract exceptional people and work in a unique, non-corporate atmosphere
  3. We want to build diverse teams that respect people of different genders, cultures, and religions
  4. We want to share our success with the community
  5. We want to operate in an environmentally neutral manner
  6. We want to ensure the highest management standards.

More about our sustainability goals can be read here.