
GK TT – high positions in the Computerworld TOP200 ranking

Marcin Kapuściński

The Transition Technologies Capital Group, of which Transition Technologies MS S.A. is a part, maintained its leading position, remaining the largest provider of services to the energy sector in 2023.

The classification – as every year – was published by Computerworld. Also worth noting:

  • 2nd place (up 3 positions) in the ranking of companies generating revenues from utilities services (excluding energy)
  • increase by 3 positions in the classification of the largest IT companies operating in Poland (currently 34th place)
  • 6th place in the classification of IT companies with the largest employment (increase by 1 position)
  • maintaining the 3rd position in the classification of IT companies with the highest expenditure on R&D
  • maintaining the “medal” place in the ranking of the largest outsourcing companies (3rd place)
  • maintaining the 8th place in the classification of the largest suppliers of BI, Big Data and Data Discovery systems
  • maintaining the 5th position among the largest providers of solutions and services for the public administration sector
  • maintaining 10th place among the largest cloud service providers

Computerworld TOP 200 is a comprehensive report on the Polish ICT industry, providing detailed analyses and market assessments. The report contains information on the most important companies, technologies and trends shaping the ICT sector in Poland, enabling a deep understanding of the dynamically developing industry.