
IT outsourcing — a secure future for Polish companies

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    Every fourth company plans to increase expenditure on IT outsourcing. The reason is simple: although the COVID-19 pandemic surprised everyone, it did not leave a major mark on those businesses, that have invested in ICT solutions.

    Atman, the leader of the Polish data center market, conducted a survey in May among its clients, i.e. companies that use IT solutions on a daily basis, including in the outsourcing model. The results of the study can be optimistic — both when it comes to the general view on economic trends and the perspective of IT service providers.

    Financial stimulus

    Among the interesting numbers, the most noticeable information is that as many as 1/5 of companies increased their revenues during a pandemic and treats IT outsourcing as a catalyst for this trend. Therefore, it is not surprising that as many as 83% of them do not intend to reduce expenditure on external IT solutions. Every fourth of them plans to increase them.

    Smooth landing

    IT outsourcing appears to many organizations as a technological security shield. Thanks to these services they bypass the more serious business effects of a pandemic — as many as 73% of respondents think so. However, as you can easily guess, it’s hard to find a company, that has gone through the first days of the lockout totally smoothly and easily. Initial problems were mainly of a technical nature (insufficient hardware preparation, or insufficient bandwidth) and 2/3 of the surveyed companies coped with them efficiently. The period of a specific transformation is very well assessed by 1/3 of respondents — they believe that their organizations were well prepared for the crisis, both in terms of IT and organization.

    Companies also notice the positive impact of IT outsourcing on digital security and a sense of technological security in the future — 1/4 of respondents believe that it is thanks to ICT services, that their organizations will be able to reduce response time to technological breakdown.

    Due to positive experiences, trust in IT is also transferred to the general willingness to invest in technology. 27% of companies in the pandemic period have either accelerated their digitization projects or intend to do so in the next few months. However, the crisis did not affect the plans related to the digitization of as many as 2/3 of respondents.

    Increases on the horizon

    External competences allow better performance, greater technological security as well as better flexibility — both in times of conventional functioning and crisis conditions. The demand for ICT services, including IaaS, strengthened by a pandemic may also be an opportunity for their suppliers. Analysts from Grand View Research forecast that in the next 7 years the IT outsourcing market will reach a value of almost 940 billion dollars, and globally will record a growth rate (CAGR) of 7.7 percent. Increases are also estimated for the Polish market.

    Marcin Kapuściński
    Marketing Specialist at TTMS