
ChatGPT 4o as a content creation tool – chatgpt 4 vs 4o – what is the difference?

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    What are we complaining about in 2024? Let’s list: lack of time, weather anomalies, rising food prices, perpetually lost AirPods, the plethora of streaming services, the intellectual deficiencies of Chat GPT… And let’s stop here. Yes, you read that right – in recent months, there has been a lot of grumbling about the low substantive level of the most popular language model. In this regard, successive updates have been consistently disappointing.

    1. Introduction – Comparing Chat GPT-4o and GPT-4: Key Updates and Differences

    In May 2024, OpenAI introduced the latest version of its language model – GPT-4o (replacing the “zero” after the dot with a lowercase “o”). “This new iteration, launched on May 13, 2024, was created in response to the growing needs of users and the dynamically changing artificial intelligence market,” claims the language model I am describing. Therefore, I decided to compare chatgpt 4 and 4o (a new version and old one). I will immediately note that we will skip the new features you can read about in news portals (real-time sound and image analysis, simultaneous translation, reading emotions from the human face), and focus on strictly textual tasks. I will also omit OpenAI’s pricing policy, as well as comparisons of GPT with competing tools – that is not what this article is about. We will subject the model to specific challenges that will demonstrate the usefulness of this tool in analyzing and creating content – including technical content. And although each of these challenges is based on just one query, believe me, I asked many more.

    2. ChatGPT 4o vs ChatGPT 4.0 – difference

    What is the difference between ChatGPT 4 and 4.0? We conducted tests that covered various domains, including factual inquiries, complex scientific and technical questions, creative writing, text analysis, mathematical and logical problem-solving, coding and programming challenges, as well as philosophical and ethical reasoning. This comprehensive evaluation aimed to gauge proficiency and versatility in handling a wide range of tasks and queries. Let’s find out what is chatgpt 4o.

    2.1 Factual inquiries

    Both versions of the model received the prompt: “Tell me something about Albert Einstein“. Here’s how they responded.

    OLD VERSION – Chat-GPT 4.0

    “Albert Einstein is one of the most well-known figures in the history of science, particularly renowned for his theory of relativity, which revolutionized our understanding of time and space. He was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany, and died on April 18, 1955, in Princeton, New Jersey, USA. Einstein is most famous for the equation E=mc², which shows the relationship between mass and energy. His works on the theory of relativity include the special theory of relativity (1905), which introduces concepts such as time dilation and length contraction, and the general theory of relativity (1915), which revolutionized the understanding of gravity as the curvature of spacetime by mass and energy.” (Here, two more paragraphs of similar length appear, detailing his social activities, describing his emigration, and the impact of his works on other fields of culture.)

    NEW VERSION – Chat-GPT 4o

    “Albert Einstein was a German theoretical physicist, best known for developing the theory of relativity, one of the two main pillars of modern physics alongside quantum mechanics. His equation E=mc², expressing the equivalence of mass and energy, is one of the most famous equations in the world.”

    Conclusion – GPT-4.0 vs GPT-4o: Which Provides Better Factual Answers?: Want more? Pull the Chat’s leg. GPT-4o seems to say “this should suffice. If you want more information – ask”. For me, this change is a big plus. Version 4.0 tended to “show off” its knowledge. If you wanted a more “essential” answer – you had to ask for it. Now we see more discipline in the answers. If the interaction with LLM is increasingly to resemble a human conversation – it has succeeded. I think we all prefer small-talk (open to the possibility of a longer exchange of thoughts) over lengthy monologues delivered in an elevator…

    2.2 Complex Scientific and Technical Prompts

    Both models received the prompt: “Explain the working principle of an internal combustion engine and compare it to an electric motor.”

    OLD VERSION – Chat-GPT 4.0

    The answers were exhaustive, so I’ll summarize them in my own words. Chat-GPT in the older version generated a text divided into several sections. First, in the “Working Principle” paragraph, it explained in three sentences how an electric motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Then, in separate paragraphs, it outlined “Stages of Operation,” followed by “Types of Electric Motors,” and finally compared the efficiency, emissions, power, and operational costs of both technologies. The whole response ended with the diplomatic statement, “Both types of engines have their advantages and disadvantages, which determine their suitability for different applications.

    NEW VERSION – Chat-GPT 4o

    Chat GPT-4o divided the response into several sections, starting with appropriate headings (Internal Combustion Engine: 1. Working Principle of an Internal Combustion Engine (including listing the stages of the combustion process), 2. Comparison with Electric Motor (comparing: working principle, emissions, efficiency, maintenance, and range), 3. Summary (summarizing the pros and cons of both technologies in a few sentences).

    Conclusion – GPT-4.0 vs GPT-4o: Which Excels in Scientific Explanations?: I received similar answers, differing slightly in structure. Which one is better – that’s a matter of taste. I have the impression that for “scientific” questions, the new version of the model “gets into gear” and provides more elaborate content than for more general prompts (like the one about Einstein). Notably, Chat in version 4o validated its “statement” with appropriate links (both from Wikipedia).

    2.3 “Creative” writing

    Of course, I asked for the essence of “creative” work, that is… a short poem about a sunset over the sea.


    This is what I got.

    OLD VERSION – Chat-GPT 4.0

    Golden hues adorn the sky’s embrace,
    Casting reflections on the ocean’s face.
    Waves whisper secrets, the breeze takes flight,
    As the sun bids adieu, painting the night.

    NEW VERSION – Chat-GPT 4o

    Golden sun dips into the sea,
    Waves whisper a twilight plea.
    Hues of pink and orange blend,
    Day’s soft light begins to bend.

    Gentle breeze, a calm embrace,
    Clouds in purple, night’s sweet grace.
    Shadows stretch, the stars arise,
    Moonlit path in darkened skies.

    Quiet moments, nature’s art,
    Sunset’s magic warms the heart.
    On the shore, a poet’s rhyme,
    Captured in this tranquil time.

    Conclusion – Which is More Creative? GPT-4.0 vs GPT-4o: You don’t need to be an expert in poetry to notice the difference in quality between the two “works.” ChatGPT 4.o managed to select rhymes much more accurately; moreover, note that each verse contains exactly 7 syllables! This cannot be said about the mess created by ChatGPT 4.0. I’ll leave the assessment of the artistic depth of both texts to you. I’ve repeated these creative word games many times, including short stories, film scripts, book chapters, and even a libretto for a children’s play, divided into characters. In each of these cases, the creativity of ChatGPT 4.o was more stylistically cohesive, “neater,” and the language sounded significantly more human-like than in version 4.0.

    2.4 Text Analysis Skills

    Analyze the following text excerpt for its main message and style: “To be, or not to be, that is the question” – that was my prompt. The responses of both versions of Chat differed by mere nuances, so I asked version 4o to conduct a comparative analysis for me. Here are its conclusions: GPT-4o offers a more detailed and profound analysis, including additional information about Hamlet’s moral dilemmas and his reflections on “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.” GPT-4o better understands literary aspects such as the form of the soliloquy and the rhythmic structure of the text, while GPT-4.0 focuses on the general style and philosophical aspects without such detailed remarks. These differences indicate that GPT-4o is a more advanced model capable of comprehensive literary analysis and more nuanced interpretations of the text.

    AI generuje teksty, Chat GPT 4o

    Yes, I don’t know what a soliloquy is either. Let’s not stop – let’s keep going.

    2.5 Complex mathematical and logical queries

    My prompt was: “Solve the equation 𝑥²−5𝑥+6=0 and explain your steps.” Which answer was more accurate and clearer? Both versions of Chat GPT focused on key elements of the process of solving a quadratic equation using the factorization method. They followed roughly the same steps:

    • Identify the standard form of a quadratic equation
    • Determination of coefficient values
    • Finding two numbers that satisfy the conditions 𝑏 and 𝑐
    • Transforming an equation into a product of two binomes
    • Solution of the resulting binome equations

    Both models demonstrated the ability to perform logical (step-by-step) solution of quadratic equations using the factorization method. Their answers agreed on key steps and principles, although they differed in detail and presentation style. This proves the solid logical and mathematical foundations on which both models are based and their ability to explain complex issues in an accessible way. And how were they different? GPT-4o offers more detailed and comprehensive explanations, which demonstrates its higher level of sophistication in an educational context. It can better serve as a tool for learning and understanding complex topics. GPT-4.0 is more concise and focuses on key points, which may be better for people looking for quick answers. And here we come to interesting conclusions: the new version of this language model is more exhaustive and analytical in the case of queries in science subjects, while when it comes to more “textual” tasks (in simple terms: humanities), it is more laconic and requires “pulling the tongue” .

    2.6 Generating code and solving programming problems

    My goal was to find a prompt that would divide both versions of Chat into “boys and men” – so that only one of them could handle the task. When coming up with the prompt, as a humanities student, I had to use a stack of computer science textbooks. After reading everything from cover to cover (several times, just in case), I had a hard time deciding on something, so I asked for help… Chata GPT version 4.0. He suggested the following prompt: “Write full code for a web application based on the Flask framework that integrates with the GPT-4.0 model via the OpenAI API. The application should include the following functions:

    • Home page with a form where the user can enter a question
    • A backend that submits a question to the OpenAI API and receives the response
    • Displaying the response from the API on the page
    • Error logging and a counter of how many times users used the application
    • Abuse protection (e.g. limit on number of questions per hour per user)

    OLD VERSION – Chat-GPT 4.0

    Version 4.0’s response was like… a piece of furniture from Ikea: you pay, you take it home, but you have to assemble it yourself. Take a look: “To create a web application in the Flask framework that integrates with the GPT model via the OpenAI API, you will need the following components:

    • Flask – A framework for building web applications in Python
    • Requests – Library for executing HTTP requests
    • Flask-Limiter – Query limiting extension for Flask
    • Dotenv – Tool for managing environment variables

    Then the model provided me with the appropriate codes – so that I could install the necessary components myself. I don’t know what this reminds you of, but my knees and wrist are already hurting, plus… I’m starting to feel sick of last year’s Swedish meatballs.

    NEW VERSION – Chat-GPT 4o

    Chat version 4o provided complete code with all required features including logging, security, and detailed error handling. Code that I can copy to the clipboard with one click of the mouse.

    Conclusion – GPT-4.0 vs GPT-4o: Which Handles Coding Better?: GPT-4.0 performs well for simple applications (producing identical code to the new version), but may lack detail and extensive features for more complex tasks. GPT-4o is more advanced and better equipped to create complex applications with many functionalities, which proves its higher level of “development” and the ability to generate more comprehensive code.

    2.7 Solving philosophical and ethical problems

    What other question could there be? Here’s my prompt: “Should artificial intelligence have rights? Justify your answer.”

    Czy sztuczna inteligencja powinna mieć prawa?

    OLD VERSION – Chat-GPT 4.0

    The debate about AI rights is complex and touches on many aspects such as ethics, technology, philosophy and law. The answer to this question depends on many factors, including the level of sophistication of AI, its impact on society, and how we define “rights.” Here are some key points to consider when examining this issue:

    • Arguments against granting rights to AI (here the model describes in detail the lack of awareness and feelings of artificial intelligence, as well as the risk of abuse by entities that could use these “rights” to achieve goals contrary to the social good),
    • Arguments for granting AI rights (here the model describes the potential need to protect advanced forms of artificial intelligence, and also highlights the opportunity to ensure greater security in critical areas such as health care or transport).

    The entire GPT-4.0 Chat concludes as follows: “In the current state of technology, granting rights to artificial intelligence seems unjustified due to a lack of awareness and feeling. However, any advances in AI technology may require a rethinking of our approach to rights and regulations to ensure responsible use “AI and protecting society. Consideration of ‘rights’ for AI in the future may be necessary, but it must be well thought out and based on clear ethical and functional criteria.”

    NEW VERSION – Chat-GPT 4o

    I received a compact paragraph that read: “The issue of granting rights to artificial intelligence is complex. On the one hand, if AI achieves a level of consciousness and the ability to feel, this could justify granting it certain rights to protect its interests and ensure ethical treatment. On the other hand, current AIs, including advanced models such as GPT-4, do not have consciousness or sentience, which makes granting them rights potentially unjustified. There is also a risk that giving AI rights could complicate legal and ethical issues related to liability for AI activities.

    Conclusion – Evaluating Ethical Responses: GPT-4.0 vs GPT-4o: Once again, the content produced by Chat GPT in version 4o is more synthetic. Want to know more? Do you want to know the arguments “for” and “against”? Ask. Unless we “switch” to exact sciences – here I am a storyteller and I will gladly write everything I know right away.

    3. Chat gpt 4o vs chatgpt 4: Summary of Chat GPT versions comparison

    The comparison between ChatGPT 4o and 4.0 reveals significant differences in their capabilities. Regarding the question “is ChatGPT 4o better than 4,” the new version, ChatGPT 4o, demonstrates greater precision in factual responses and text analysis, providing more concise and organized information. In the debate of “ChatGPT 4o vs 4” and “ChatGPT 4o vs GPT 4,” the newer version shows superiority in generating more coherent and aesthetically pleasing texts that sound more natural. A key factor here is the “ChatGPT 4o update,” which introduces numerous enhancements, such as real-time sound and image analysis, significantly improving response quality. In the context of “Chat GPT 4 vs 4o comparison,” the new version excels in creating complete codes that can be immediately used in programming projects. Ultimately, the question “is chat gpt 4o better than 4” has a clear answer: while both models share common roots, GPT 4o represents a substantial advancement in precision, detail, and flexibility, making it a more versatile too. chat gpt 4o better than 4

    Comparing Chat GPT 4o and 4.0 versions reveals clear differences in their capabilities. GPT 4o impresses with its precision in answering factual questions and analyzing texts, providing more condensed and organized information. In complex scientific and technical issues, it offers more comprehensive answers, which we can probably interpret as a deeper understanding of the topics. When it comes to creative writing, the new version generates more coherent and aesthetic texts that sound more natural. In turn, for programming tasks, GPT 4o creates more complete codes that you can use “copy-paste”. In summary, GPT 4o is a more advanced tool, offering higher precision, detail and flexibility, making it a more versatile and useful tool compared to version 4.0. Finally, let me point out that this article was created on May 17, 2024, after 2 days of intensive testing of the above. language models. This is important because Chat-GPT is a tool that is constantly evolving, and I will have to keep this article up to date. Well, unless I delegate this task to Chat GPT…

    4. Difference between chatgpt 4 and 4o – AI Solutions for Business

    At TTMS, we leverage advanced AI technologies, including the capabilities seen in Chat GPT models, to optimize business operations and drive innovation. Our AI services range from intelligent chatbots to sophisticated data analytics, enhancing decision-making across various industries. We automate tasks, anticipate failures, optimize supply chains, and offer personalized customer experiences. By integrating AI with systems like Webcon BPS and Power BI, we streamline processes and provide real-time data insights.

    Ready to transform your business with AI? Contact us through our contact form to discuss your project needs and explore how we can help you achieve your goals. Also check our last AI case studies:

    5. FAQ

    What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science concerned with creating systems and programs capable of performing tasks that would normally require human intelligence. This includes speech recognition, decision making, language translation, and problem solving.

    What is a language model?

    A language model is an advanced artificial intelligence-based tool that allows for the understanding and generation of human language at a high level. Thanks to training on huge data sets (hence the abbreviation LLM – Large Language Models), these models are able to perform a variety of language-related tasks, which we can use in many areas.

    The key features of the LLM are:

    • the ability to “train” on large data sets (learning semantics, syntax, context and other aspects of the language on millions of sources),
    • ability to understand text,
    • ability to generate text (grammatically correct and contextually appropriate),
    • ability to adapt and learn – as befits artificial intelligence.

    How is Chat-GPT 4.o different from version 4.0?

    Chat-GPT 4o introduces significant improvements in response precision, detail and efficiency compared to version 4.0. The new version is better able to analyze complex scientific and technical issues and create coherent and aesthetic creative texts. Additionally, GPT 4.o offers more comprehensive features for programming tasks, generating fuller codes with better error handling and security.

    What is a prompt?

    Prompt: A query or command given to a language model (e.g. ChatGPT) that is intended to generate a response. A prompt can be either a simple question or a complex command that provides detailed instructions about what response is expected.

    What are hallucinations in the context of language models?

    Hallucinations: If you’ve never told a lie, it means you’ve never been a student. A situation in which you put the linguistic model against the wall, trickily asking about non-existent facts, is an oral exam during which the person being questioned reaches the heights of creativity. He is ready to prove that he knows not only in which church the bell rings, but also how much it weighs, what texture it has and what infectious diseases the bell-founder has had. It’s worse if there is no bell and no one has built a church yet. Then we talk about “hallucinations”, and in the case of a student – the so-called “making stuff up”.

    Why use Chat-GPT 4.o?

    Using Chat-GPT 4o brings benefits in the form of higher precision and detail of responses, better understanding of complex issues, and more coherent and aesthetic creative texts. The new version is also more advanced in code generation and solving programming problems