
Example of Using AI in Corporate Training Development

In this AI Corporate Training Case Study, our client was focused on improving customer service effectiveness. Newly hired employees in the helpdesk department struggled to respond to tickets due to their unfamiliarity with the company’s guidelines. Additionally, their limited proficiency in English further hindered effective communication and resolution of customer issues. This led to delayed responses and inconsistencies in customer service, ultimately affecting the overall customer experience.

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The primary challenge was to develop a training program that could efficiently and effectively onboard new helpdesk employees, ensuring they become proficient in handling tickets according to company guidelines. The program needed to address the gaps in knowledge and provide a practical, interactive environment for skill development. Are you curious about how we solved this challenge? Read the rest of this Artificial intelligence in corporate training case study.


To tackle this challenge, the company implemented an AI-powered e-Learning training program, as detailed in the AI in corporate training case study. This program includes traditional knowledge-based modules and interactive exercises driven by an AI engine. The AI component presents new employees with example tickets that they might encounter in their role.

Employees are tasked with writing responses to these tickets, adhering to company guidelines. The AI provides personalized feedback on their responses, highlighting areas of improvement and offering examples of well-crafted replies. The AI model continuously learns from the users’ inputs, refining its feedback and support over time.

Additionally, using AI in corporate training case study, the AI aids in improving employees’ writing and English skills by providing corrective feedback and exemplary responses. The program also includes the potential for further development, such as generating statistics for management to identify common errors and areas needing improvement. The AI engine is versatile enough to support different services beyond the helpdesk, broadening its applicability within the company.

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The implementation of the AI-powered e-Learning solution, as detailed in this AI in corporate training example, yielded significant improvements:

  • Increased Proficiency: New employees became proficient in handling tickets faster, thanks to the practical exercises and personalized feedback.
  • Consistency in Responses: Adherence to company guidelines improved, leading to more consistent and high-quality customer service.
  • Skill Development: Employees enhanced their writing and English language skills, contributing to more professional communication with customers.
  • Continuous Improvement: The AI’s ability to learn from user inputs led to progressively better feedback and support, further refining the training process.
  • Actionable Insights: Management gained valuable insights into common errors and training gaps through AI-generated statistics, allowing for targeted interventions and continuous improvement.


In this example of using AI in corporate training, integrating AI into the e-Learning training program transformed the onboarding process for helpdesk employees. The combination of traditional knowledge modules and AI-driven interactive exercises equipped new hires with the necessary skills and confidence to handle customer tickets efficiently and effectively. This AI corporate training example showcases how this innovative approach not only improved individual performance but also enhanced overall customer satisfaction, demonstrating the significant impact of AI in employee training and development. As the AI engine continues to evolve, its potential to support various departments within the company promises even greater benefits in the future.

Do you want to know more about how we use AI in our implementations? Check out our subpage on AI-based solutions.

And if you’re interested in e-learning – here you will learn all the details.

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Monika Radomska

Sales Manager