
Business application in a week? It is only possible with Power Apps.

Power Apps – an alternative in designing mobile applications

Does application development have to be difficult and its implementation time-consuming?

There is a belief persisting in many companies that creating applications (even for internal use) is a tedious, long, and difficult process. But why is that so? There are two reasons (both related to the IT industry):

  • in the past, designing applications and creating websites did take a long time;
  • for many software companies, “difficult” processes mean higher profits. 

Cost is one thing, but the #lead time of software development is equally important for business because the world is changing #fast. When you run a business, you simply can’t afford to have your applications taking months to develop

Do you remember the game called Pacman? 

The main character was a creature who devoured the dots on the screen. If Pacman represented the app development process without Power Apps, it would have devoured time, money, and human resources. 

Today hardly anyone plays Pacman anymore 

We have access to modern technology and cloud solutions, and we can develop applications using Microsoft software.

Microsoft Power Apps project in a nutshell

Parking space reservation application

  • Customer industry: IT
  • Collaboration period: 6 months
  • Time of work on the application: 1 week
  • Number of people in the project: 2
  • Year of collaboration: 2021
  • Tools used in the project: Microsoft Power Apps

The challenge – what did the client approach us with?

In big cities, there is always a huge problem with parking spaces. Some corporations provide parking spaces at their locations as an employee benefit.

Our client had been struggling with the insufficient number of parking spaces in front of the company for a long time.

On top of that, the pandemic crisis started. Due to the Coronavirus, many people who previously used public transportation started arriving to work by car. 

Project goal: the client asked us to create a user-friendly application for parking space reservations. 

The application was supposed to enable:

  • checking parking availability,
  • booking a parking space.

Project assumptions:

The solution was to be done in the style we’ve mastered to perfection –  “ASAP” and ” cost-effectively“, preferably without installing additional programs (the client already had an Office 365 environment). Additionally, the application had to be user-friendly.

The process – application development in 5 steps

How did we cope with this challenge?

Step 1 Meeting with the client

We started with a meeting with the client. We determined the initial requirements, defined what benefits the application is to bring, and how people would use the solution.

Step 2 Work in a project team with developers

We discussed the assumptions of the application with the project team. We made a simple mockup and the concept of the solution.

Step 3 Confirmation of initial assumptions

We presented the client with sample screen views and provided costs estimation. We managed to keep the cost at a level that did not require the Board’s approval, which accelerated the process.  

Step 4 Designing the application interface

After just a few days of work, we had the design ready. We presented the design and the functionalities to the client.

Step 5 Release to users – launch 

At the next status meeting, we agreed on the remaining details, and after another working hours, the final product was ready. The client could immediately start using the application created in Microsoft Power Apps.

The result?

After a few days, we received feedback that the application worked flawlessly. Employees are happy with the solution as they do not waste time on unnecessary problems and, most importantly, the office is now better organized.  

What tools did we use? Microsoft Power Automate

In this project, we used Power Apps that are a part of the Power Platform. It is a set of services, including Power BI, Power Automate, and Power Apps. 

With Power Apps, you can solve process or business problems in a simple, fast, and inexpensive way.  

3xS – the advantages of Power Apps in mobile application development

S for simplicity – based on Microsoft technology

S for streamlined processes – creating an application in just 48 hours

S for savings – save money on app development and maintenance

There’s still one more S, as in “send us an email” if you need an app.


With Power Apps, you will not only save time and money, but most importantly, you will effectively respond to market needs.

What else can you use Power Apps for?

To create applications for B2B, B2C, and your employees. If you want to digitalize any process in your company, do it quickly and effectively – write to us.

Why?  We will do it better and more agilely than other companies. You will have no problems operating the application on the Microsoft platform.

Power Apps – application examples:

  • improved document flow
  • streamlined company processes 
  • enhanced e-learning and training
  • transport monitoring
  • inventory monitoring
  • HR department optimization, e.g., employee evaluation system

TTMS – why us? 

We are a Microsoft partner and have many years of experience in Power Apps implementations. 

TTMS is part of the TT capital group, which operates in the American and Asian markets and 6 European countries. 

TT Group has 23 offices on 3 continents. We employ about 2000 people and the number is growing all the time. Our team consists of highly qualified and certified specialists.