
E-learning in 2020 — a response to the age-old problems of learning?

E-learning — which already in the 90s supported the classic model of teaching — assisted by new technological trends, today has eclipsed it in many cases. Of course, the catalyst for change in recent months has been the coronavirus pandemic, which limited the possibilities of direct learning.


Creator’s approach on 4 types of e-learning

After a while, it’s easy to discover that business training needs are somehow repetitive and could be categorized. It came so naturally that we didn’t realize when we started to recognize these specific elements and adjust our design process to suit the client’s needs.

Windows Services with Topshelf

Windows Services with Topshelf

In this article we are going to talk about windows services. Our goal will be to create custom windows service with Topshelf project. Two question should come up at this moment. Why windows service and why Topshelf? Windows service because more often than not there is a requirement that forces us to deliver such a […]


ASP.NET CORE Introduction — Part 3

In this days in­ver­sion of con­trol in every­where. That is a fact. We also face this pat­tern when cre­at­ing ASP.​NET Core ap­pli­ca­tions. So let’s ask our self the ques­tion if our cur­rent so­lu­tion in using this de­sign pat­tern. There can only be one an­swer “No”. And that is a shame. Be­cause the an­swer should be […]


ASP.NET CORE Introduction — Part 2

It is very easy. All we need to do is to change hard codded string into one obtained from configuration object.


ASP.NET CORE Introduction — Part 1

It is open source. Thanks to that we can actually take a look inside project code. That is truly awesome for people who want to have deep knowledge of framework they are using. It is cross platform. It is a huge, thanks to that on can for example run our project on Linux. It is […]
