
A cloud of development possibilities thanks to an appropriate CRM system

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    Young companies are usually reluctant to use complex systems supporting customer relationship management (the so-called CRMs). Most of the reasons for this attitude sound quite rational. The key issues are financial and organizational issues, as well as the ability to effectively use available solutions (e.g. classic spreadsheets) or free tools.

    However, it often turns out that the solutions used are not enough. There are growing needs for management systems that allow you to automate processes, improve them and increase the efficiency of the team. This does not only apply to the categorization of clients and archiving of the steps taken, but also the flow of information between individuals in the team and the management of documents and materials. At the same time, each change is a challenge, mainly related to the adoption of a new system and its effective use in everyday work. The decision to use CRM may therefore be associated not only with the need for development, but also with a range of doubts and questions.

    The ones that fall most often during meetings are as follows:

    • How to improve the flow of information?
    • How to improve the efficiency of the sales team’s work?
    • How can I speed up the work of my employees?
    • How much do solutions tailored to my needs cost?
    • What if the company’s situation changes?
    • Do I need to buy servers?
    • Does adapting the system to the needs require rewriting it (code changes)?
    • What about the collected data?
    • How many systems do I need?

    The above list is not exhaustive, but shows the main concerns of company managers. They focus on three areas: finance, work organization and software capabilities (flexibility). The creators of SALESFORCE focused on these issues when preparing and developing their product.

    Scalability of costs

    Salesforce is a cloud technology that has been constantly developed for over a dozen years.

    The main idea of its creators is NO HARDWARE. This means there is no need to buy servers or hire administrators. All you need to use the system resources is Internet access and a web browser.

    What’s more, the license provides constant software updates (work is carried out on a continuous basis, and larger updates are made available three times a year), which reduces the costs of purchasing access for a selected period.

    Implementation of the system and adaptation of solutions

    Salesforce market experience and a model of cooperation with business partners allowed for the development of standard solutions that meet the needs of most companies. They allow for a smooth start of work with the system, and the intuitiveness of the processes shortens the adoption time. The company also took care of extensive support and consultants facilities, which favors faster implementation of the solution in the company, as well as adapting the package to the processes practiced in it.

    What if your company has a unique approach to selling and building relationships with customers? In such a situation, it is best to use the possibility of adapting the system to the needs of a specific company – which is also offered by Salesforce. We can then modify ready-made solutions or create processes from scratch.

    Organization of work

    In today’s business reality, access to data is required anytime and anywhere. The customer support process should be quick and hassle-free. The customers’ demand for services makes companies bolder to enter new markets, even those located in remote locations. Mobile access to data and the ability to finalize transactions at any time of the day or night becomes a necessity. Salesforce is a tool that works perfectly both on a local scale and in the case of a globally run business. It guarantees mobile access to data, allowing the transfer of all attention to the customer and his needs. In this area, Salesforce implements the latest assumptions related to Customer Journey and focus on building, maintaining and developing customer relationships. The designed and developed functionalities are aimed at accelerating and improving the processes related to sales management and customer service. The individual modules also support the exchange of information and documents inside and outside the organization. Which means the freedom to distribute billing, information and marketing materials.

    Józef Kaszowski, Programmer in TTMS