
Using the cloud: is Poland catching up with Europe?

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    Companies are increasingly realizing, that a lack of cloud competences means lowering revenues and competitiveness on the market for a company. Here’s what we learned from the study, conducted by ARC Market and Opinion studio (commissioned by Aruba Cloud), in which Polish, Czech and Hungarian companies were questioned*:

    • every third (33%) of Polish companies use the cloud in their activities. Czechs are the leader here (49% of companies);
    • for Polish enterprises, the key factor when choosing a cloud is reliability and quality of services, the price is not that important;
    • for up to 44% of companies it is important that data centers are located in Europe;
    • Polish companies — unlike for example Czech ones — care more about appropriate cloud providers’ certificates than a competitive price;
    • for 41% of Poles surveyed, the main obstacle is the security barrier (here against the background of Czechs and Hungarians are skeptical), and for 34% of them internal procedures that prohibit the transfer of data to external centers;
    • according to Polish companies, the main threats to cybersecurity are: data theft (42% of companies surveyed think so) and malware (36%). In other countries this order is reversed.
    • for Poles, the main methods of protection are: virus software (53% of responses), network security (25%) and employee training (24%). Compared to other countries, awareness of the need for training is the highest in our country.

    The study was conducted in January and February this year, on a sample of 654 medium (over 50 employees) and large companies (over 250 employees, based in Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary). The respondents were people responsible for IT infrastructure in enterprises. Certainly more could be learned from more recent research, nevertheless, one could expect a deepening of many trends, given the accelerated migration to the cloud as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    It can be concluded that Polish companies are increasingly aware of the need to transfer data to the cloud. The statements of specialists show, that such a transformation cannot take place at the expense of a digital threat.

    Companies are losing because of the lack of cloud competences
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    Companies are increasingly realizing, that a lack of cloud competences means lowering revenues and competitiveness on the market for a company — which we learn from the next study. According to research “Cloud competences of companies in Poland 2020”, carried out by IDG on behalf of Oktawave and 7bulls.com, every fourth medium company and 15 percent of large enterprises have this problem. The study was conducted just before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. 252 peoplsurveyed, occupying IT positions in large and medium-sized companies operating in Poland.

    Meanwhile, very few companies in Poland still have the appropriate competences to carry out this type of implementation. IT managers most often assess the overall level of cloud competences of their employees as medium (38 percent), and then as low (25 percent). This is the result of the second part of the study.
    Maintaining your own network and servers is becoming more and more time consuming and requires more and more specialized. Cloud computing is much more favorable in terms of costs and performance. Meanwhile, when it comes to competences in the field of cloud architectures (including multicloud and hybrid Cloud), the ability to migrate applications to the cloud, or efficiently navigating the issues of data security in the cloud, such competencies are held by over a dozen percent of companies.
    And again, as in the case of the previous survey, it is worth waiting for the next edition of the survey, whose results may be different due to the high dynamics of changes that most organizations have to face.
    Certainly, cloud competencies will soon constitute a force on the market, and its lack will be the exclusion from the game. Despite the overall level of cloud competencies in many polish companies is medium or even low, it is not a backlog that cannot be made up.

    Marcin Kapuściński
    Transition Technologies MS S.A.