
TTMS on the Silver Level in the Salesforce program

Salesforce certification took place recently and we promised to disclose the results of our specialists. TTMS employees have studied diligently to update their knowledge of operating this powerful CRM platform. Thanks to the regular improvement of competences, we have officially become a Silver Partner.

The evaluation of TTMS as a business partner took place in two areas: consulting and product partnership. In the case of product partnership (here we function as ISV, ie Independent Software Vendor), growing competences helped us reach the “ridge” level.

In the service (consulting) business area, growing competences helped us reach the “silver” level.

How does it work?

Three times a year, the producer of Salesforce releases an update (which is known as the “release“). At the same time, their business partners undergo evaluation. One of the most important factors influencing the level of partnership are employee certificates. This requires consultants to constantly maintain contact with Salesforce and regular training. In the case of our company, we are talking about over 50 specialists.

What are the benefits?

Thanks to the next stage of certification, we have expanded our competences in new areas, in which we provide services. We have deepened our knowledge and thus can deliver faster deliveries of even higher quality. New skills will also translate into extending our offer.

Our natural and learned strengths

Technology changes day by day and old rules give way to new ones. Our Salesforce consultants are great at technical (development and consulting) areas of knowledge, which is reflected in high evaluation scores. In the coming months, we intend to put emphasis also on the sales aspect, in order to be able to use our constantly updated competences in practice. In short, we’ll try to make our “learned” skills catch up with the “natural” ones.

Marcin Kapuściński – Transition Technologies MS S.A.