
TTMS implemented an AI-based system for Takeda Pharma

The IT market is witnessing rapid changes due to the increasing use of new artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. AI will soon be the basis of the offer of modern IT companies. Transition Technologies MS (TTMS), a Polish IT company that is one of the leaders in modern IT outsourcing (managed services), planning its debut on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, has just completed a successful SI implementation project at Takeda Pharma.

The new solution, based on the corporate version of the modern artificial intelligence language model developed by the creators of ChatGPT, is responsible for automatic management of bidding processes, from offer analysis through extraction of key parameters to quick business analysis. The system allows you to significantly shorten and optimize the offer process, making the work of human teams easier. The language models used in a given project were adapted to the needs of large corporations, thanks to which the security and efficiency of data processing were greater than in their widely available equivalent: ChatGPT.

Takeda is a global biopharmaceutical company originating from Japan and currently operating in 80 countries around the world. The company’s annual revenue in 2022 was over 4 billion yen. The company focuses its activities on drugs used in the treatment of digestive system diseases, oncology, neurological diseases, plasma-based therapies, as well as on the transformation of treatment methods in immunology, hematology and metabolic disorders. The implementation involved the Polish branch of the concern.

Naturally, our offer to customers is changing rapidly. As the name suggests, we remain a managed services company offering integrated outsourcing services, but our business development is much broader, implementing full development services for our clients based on modern artificial intelligence tools. In some way, we are moving towards “knowledge services” – this is what Sebastian Sokołowski, CEO of TTMS, says about the company’s strategy.

TTMS is a specialized service company operating within the Transition Technologies IT group. The company focuses on modern services for global corporations, especially in the managed services model. TTMS bases its development strategy not only on organic growth, but also on acquisitions of entities in Western Europe and Scandinavia. In January 2024, the company made another purchase, acquiring a majority stake in the Swiss IT company Pixel Plus AG based in Zurich. The company’s integration with TTMS structures is currently in progress.

The IT world is changing and IT companies are changing very rapidly. The time of simple services and simple hiring of employees is ending, the market will be dominated by companies based on knowledge and unique resources. As the TT Group, we are a leader in Poland in the use of artificial intelligence – we implemented the first industrial and energy projects in the 1990s. Now we see the next phase of an intense technological revolution, where widely available, commercial AI tools will automate all business processes, eliminating as much as possible simple activities used by humans. It can be expected that at least 30% of administrative and sales positions, as well as simple testing and even software production positions, will be fully replaced by AI. This is a great challenge for all companies, but also a great change on the IT market. Only technology companies offering much more complex products and services than currently will remain on the market – comments prof. Konrad Świrski, CEO of Transtion Technologies S.A.

Companies from the Transition Technologies group focus on offering advanced products and services for the industrial, medical and pharmaceutical, energy and gas industry, and security sectors. Transition Technologies is present among the bidders in the most important projects that are based on elements such as artificial intelligence, optimization, cybersecurity, cloud, PLM, VR, IoT, robotization and advanced automation.

The IT sector never sleeps and is constantly changing. And as a result, it becomes more and more important for our lives. – Sokołowski and Świrski comment in unison.

The text is a translation of an article published on the ISBtech portal