
TT Capital Group – high positions in Computerworld TOP200

Transition Technologies Capital Group is the largest provider of IT solutions and services for the energy sector. With revenues of over PLN 170 million, it took the first position in the Computerworld TOP200 ranking, covering the year 2021.

The TT Capital Group increased its revenues from the energy sector by as much as 47% compared to 2020, thus moving in the above-mentioned ranking by 2 positions.

The following also deserve special attention:

  • 3rd place in the category “IT companies with the highest R&D expenditure in 2021” – the group with over 100 completed research projects has been in the top three for years. In addition to commercial products for the gas, energy, and medicine markets, as part of CSR, she also created solutions that improve the quality of people’s lives, e.g. an application supporting the blind.
  • 2nd place in the “The largest providers of mobile applications in 2021” – in this ranking the company moved up 5 positions. One of the most interesting, more widely known applications, created by TT programmers, is SORTEK – an app that helps to properly segregate waste.

Transition Technologies Capital Group is currently one of the largest groups operating in the IT industry in Poland, operating on the market for over 30 years. It offers proprietary IT systems, technological solutions, and IT and engineering services, addressed primarily to large, global recipients from the industrial, energy, and gas sectors and the medical and public sectors. The group includes Transition Technologies MS S.A., the subject of which is the provision of advanced IT outsourcing with a specialization in managed services for large and medium-sized enterprises.

Computerworld TOP200 is a prestigious report on the ICT industry in Poland that has been published for 30 years. It describes the condition of ICT companies operating in Poland, taking into account changes in the economic situation, presented according to revenues from individual sectors of the economy, product and service industries.

Marcin Kapuściński – Transition Technologies MS