
Service Cloud – order in the service department. Finally.

One of the main problems of customer service is that the history of communication with the customer is scattered across various channels. There are a lot of them: phone call, e-mail, chat, website form, chatbot. The risk of chaos and duplication of work is therefore higher and higher. This is facilitated by the fact that one case is often handled by several agents alternately.

The desired order

Service Cloud is the answer to the need to consolidate all data regarding the client’s case, including all communication with him, as well as the entire purchase and marketing history, in one cloud tool. It turns out that after-sales assistance can be efficient, but also comfortable for the person concerned – no one likes to repeatedly introduce successive service technicians about themselves. There is no denying that this solution is also a great help for the other party.

It is best to start the description of this “three-way” tool (which, in various forms, is available to the customer, service worker and service technician supervisor) from the service worker’s panel. This will allow us to understand the essence of the solution.

Service Cloud tool from the agent’s side

The agent, i.e. the service employee who takes care of the client, has a dashboard in front of him. On the right, he sees a list of open cases, at the top of the screen he sees a contextual search engine (similar to the search engines we know from web browsers), and most of his view is covered by the start screen.

From the left, the agent sees different reports. They concern e.g. the number of handled cases, their priority, and the types of cases – in a pie chart. Below you can see the “clocks” showing KPIs that are to be achieved by the agent, e.g. response time, or customer satisfaction statistics.

Even lower, we can see the agent’s results against the background of the entire team.

Let’s go back to the list of open cases on the right. This is a list that includes all the team’s cases. To view only their own cases, the agent must switch the view to “my cases”. Matters are arranged in a view that we know from Jira, Gitlab, Planner or other work organization tools – in the columns New, Working, Waiting on Customer, Escalated, Closed.

The panel allows you to receive calls from numbers assigned to customers. At the same time, the client’s card opens with all available data regarding his case. During the conversation, it is possible to create a new case, give it an appropriate topic and priority. After the call ends, a call log is generated.

Important – from the point of view of customer satisfaction – is the ability to monitor the time we have to settle his case. This time is defined in advance by the terms of the contract signed between the parties, i.e. SLA. We use the “Milestones” column for this purpose, where there is a clock measuring hours, minutes and seconds. Depending on whether we have passed the deadline or not yet, the numbers appear to us in red or green. If the problem is complex, the agent breaks it down into subsequent steps, to which it assigns separate deadlines.

Below, the agent has access to the knowledge base – templates, ready-made articles or other defined texts that can be used in communication with the client, pasting them in whole or only in part.

Subsequent activities, performed in connection with the client’s case, create a precisely recorded history in the form of a kind of feed. Thanks to this, regardless of which agent takes actions related to a given person, they are consistent with the actions performed by its predecessor.

Boss’s Panel – Supervisor Dashboard

The agent management panel contains such current information as: agent’s current status (i.e. availability), communication channel through which he currently communicates with the client, their load, as well as information on his skills (languages, level of access to documents, etc.)

Before you find a man, or… self-help

A large part of service problems can be solved by the person concerned without the participation of an agent. This is an application that provides answers to frequently asked questions. The second level of involvement is talking to the chatbot – it can not only redirect to the right person, but also solve simple service tasks. Thanks to this, service technicians are relieved from time-consuming but simple activities and can focus on more complex ones.

What does Service Cloud give us all?

What is possible for a Service Cloud customer?

– solving problems both on the computer and in the mobile version,

– communicating with the website through a convenient communication channel

– efficient problem solving without introducing further agents

– solving some problems without the participation of a service technician, 24 hours a day

For Service Cloud it is:

– reduction of service costs

– improving team work

– the ability to accurately monitor the work of agents by their leader

– relieving the simplest matters and allowing the team to focus on more complex customer problems