
The key to success in exporting is to specialize and deliver services different from our competitors.

Marcin Kapuściński

Material for the daily “Rzeczpospolita”, Exporter’s Vademecum supplement

Sebastian Sokołowski – President of the Management Board of TTMS S.A .:


In recent years, strong export of Polish IT services have been visible. Poland is listed as one of the world players alongside India, Vietnam, China, Romania, Ukraine and Bulgaria.

TTMS is one of the highly specialized Polish companies operating globally – we provide services, of course, mainly from offices located in Poland, but we also have our own companies or sales offices in 6 other countries.

The key to success in exports is specialization and provision of services other than the competition – TTMS specializes in the so-called managed IT services (managed services), under which not only experts and their work are delivered, but the service provider is responsible for the entire development of teams and projects – from the very analysis of systems to comprehensive software development and maintenance. Managed services is the most technologically advanced form of IT outsourcing services and is currently preferred by the world’s largest corporations. Poland can be competitive on the global IT market not only by competing with the price and number of programmers, although this is of course also important, but by constantly increasing the quality, competences and the level of advancement of the services offered.

The Polish IT sector has a unique ability to run projects that are often characterized by extremely short implementation times and require high competences from people who implement them – Polish companies perform much better in this respect than their competitors from abroad.

An additional impulse for the development of IT services was, of course, the COVID pandemic – remote work has become a new norm, and the demand on the global market has accelerated even more. It seems that the export of business services in the IT sector, the most complex and complicated ones, may be our national specialty in the new technological, post-covid world.