
Our clouds over Scandinavia

How to expand your business with applications that would provide non-standard environments and would dynamically change in response to real-time events? The solution is Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and in its implementation we help both Polish and Nordic companies.

With Azure Kubernetes, you can quickly and reliably build, deliver, and scale your applications from a single development and operational platform. Our role is to suggest how to use cloud computing in your company and build a new, tailored system from scratch.

Our team will examine your company’s environment by conducting an audit, select the appropriate migration applications and adjust all your processes to operate in the Microsoft cloud. If you do not know where to start, we will advise you on how to use the possibilities of cloud computing in your company and build a new, tailored system from scratch.

Companies from Denmark and other Nordic countries are served by Karina Lilliendahl: karina.lilliendahl@ttmsnordic.dk

Marcin Kapuściński – Transition Technologies MS