
Data in the service of Nordic businesses

In business, information update is the ability to make quick decisions. How to integrate data from different departments so that they are updated on a regular basis and accelerate processes?

Power BI is software that helps create a coherent image of the company by collecting data from various sources, such as ERP, CRM or Excel, and then generating reports adequate to your business needs.

Until recently, we provided services related to Power BI only in Poland. Along with the opening of a branch in Denmark – thanks to joining forces with TTMS Nordic (formerly Concor A / S) – the possibilities of supporting companies from the Nordic countries in this area have opened up.

An example of Power BI implementation

Our team will help you use Power BI very quickly – we will deliver the first reports for your sales / marketing / HR / logistics department in just 2 weeks, and the return on investment and visible effects for your company will appear 2 months after the platform is implemented.

Contact the person responsible for Power BI in Denmark and other Nordic countries: Karina Lilliendahl, e-mail: karina.lilliendahl@ttmsnordic.dk

Marcin Kapuściński – Transition Technologies MS