AEM TTMS Team: time for plans and summaries

AEM TTMS Team: time for plans and summaries

The team dealing with AEM technology in TTMS consists of almost 90 people. It is not often that all, or at least most of the team, are gathered in one place.

Service Cloud – order in the service department. Finally.

Service Cloud – order in the service department. Finally.

One of the main problems of customer service is that the history of communication with the customer is scattered across various channels. There are a lot of them: phone call, e-mail, chat, website form, chatbot. The risk of chaos and duplication of work is therefore higher and higher. This is facilitated by the fact that […]

Lublin IT Upland – students in the most rock office in Poland

Lublin IT Upland – students in the most rock office in Poland

It’s not so easy to find good employees. We try to encourage them to work with us in advance. That is why TTMS Lublin – the most rock office in Poland – hosted students of technical and high schools from Lublin and the surrounding area.

Our clouds over Scandinavia

Our clouds over Scandinavia

How to expand your business with applications that would provide non-standard environments and would dynamically change in response to real-time events? The solution is Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and in its implementation we help both Polish and Nordic companies.

Data in the service of Nordic businesses

Data in the service of Nordic businesses

In business, information update is the ability to make quick decisions. How to integrate data from different departments so that they are updated on a regular basis and accelerate processes?

Total Microsoft Care – focused on your business

Total Microsoft Care – focused on your business

Total Microsoft Care – this is how we decided to name all our activities that can be focused around your business, using Microsoft solutions. Let’s look at a simple diagram that illustrates the activities that go into what we call “Total Microsoft Care.” Power Apps – for your business Thanks to the Power Apps development […]
