
A Staff Leave Management Case Study: Leave Management System Software Example

Discover the synergy of Microsoft Teams and Power Apps in our HR Leave Management System Case Study. We have used this tools to improve leave management and business operations at TTMS. Find out about the challenges, solutions, and benefits we had gained in this Staff Leave Management Case Study.  

What’s new in Microsoft Teams? Updates in 2023

What’s new in Microsoft Teams? Updates in 2023

Microsoft Teams, as a communication and collaboration platform, has gained unique importance in the modern world of work. By enabling users to chat, video meet, share files, and collaborate on documents in real time, Teams has become a foundation for many organizations looking to facilitate communication and increase teamwork efficiency. Find out about latest MS Teams updates!

Why and When to Use Mediator Pattern C#

Why and When to Use Mediator Pattern C#

For several years, there’s been a notable trend towards streamlining applications and enhancing user interactions, even with intricate systems. But behind the scenes, achieving this seamless user experience often involves intricate algorithms and multiple API interactions. In this piece, I aim to shed light on a few development strategies to declutter your back-end code, making […]


Simplifying System Design With Mediator Pattern

For a couple of years now we see a rightful trend of simplifying applications and making user interactions with even very complex systems as smooth and as sleak as possible. However, to achieve such a simplicity and comfort in the user experience area, it’s not an unusual case that underneath the hood systems run quite […]

IT outsourcing – the optimal strategy for 2023

IT outsourcing – the optimal strategy for 2023

IT outsourcing has become the key to the success of many companies nowadays, especially in the face of dynamic technological and business changes. In this context, we are proud to present an interview with our CEO, which appeared in the prestigious Forbes magazine. The article discusses the key strategies that Transition Technologies MS adopts to […]


7 Different Types of Training Programs for Employees

After some time, it is easy to see that the training needs of the business are repetitive and could be categorized. It came so naturally that we didn’t even notice when we started to recognize these specific elements and tailor our development process to those specific customer needs.
