
Advantages of Webcon

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    Working on simple solutions can be… even easier. This also applies to building business applications – since the popularity of LCDP (Low-Code Development Platform) systems is growing.

    Low-code engages business

    Low-code allows – and we strongly encourage you to do so – to involve direct business users, having nothing or little to do with coding, in the application development process.

    Low-code – quick response system

    Low-code gives us the advantage of quickly reacting to changes in processes. First of all, it does not require any code updates. Secondly, business representatives are involved in the change. They are the ones who can identify or even adjust the application to the business environment. Moreover, the low code is extremely flexible. Changes that will be necessary during the project duration can be applied to the same project. The preparation of a ready-to-show prototype (MVP) can be achieved within a few hours – that is, on the same day – thanks to the Rapid Prototyping concept. Rapid prototyping of new solutions and testing them in practice can significantly shorten the time of introducing new products and services to the market.

    It is also worth mentioning here that the low-code technology works well in an agile approach to software development (Agile, Scrum, Kanban, etc.), which allows you to accelerate the creation of an application.


    A low-code ninja” for dummies

    Low code technologies are characterized by a low technological entry barrier. To be able to create simple applications that do not require integration, all you need is a dozen or so hours of training. Soon we will conduct an implementation experiment on one of our “non-technical” employees, which we will not fail to share.

    Could we add a little more code?

    Some people cannot imagine a dish without salt. They pour it everywhere they can. There are also fans of cilantro. The characteristic taste of the herb must permeate each dish. We have good news for coding gourmets: “low-code” does not exclude “code” as well. In places such as dedicated integrations, you have to use coding and low-code does not exclude it. It is an open pot to which you can add a few lines

    Workflows in Webcon

    Drag & drop … or do you feel the pleasant feeling of relief and relaxation as these two words appear in the description of any technology? No wonder – starting work in a platform based on an intuitive interface significantly speeds up the process of learning the program.

    This is how creating and editing workflows in WebCon BPS works. A graphic designer is used for this, in which we combine elements on the drawing board as if we were constructing buildings from blocks.

    It is worth mentioning the transparency of creating circuits. The elements of the model are distinguished by shapes and additions taken from the BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) standard. We can use color-coding, marking with colors, for example, flow paths, which complement the message at the design stage and later during use.

    Thanks to WebCon BPS, it is possible to change the workflow during the process. Sometimes we wonder about the right moment to make a change. We want it to work immediately because it is required by the dynamics of the business environment. At the same time, we would like it to be possible to complete the work that is at different stages of the current process. WebCon BPS took care of that and saved us time and effort. We can simply upload the change as soon as we are ready. The workflow engine will complete the processes, keeping the work done so far.

    Circulation is such a process bloodstream. The logic of this process determines the data and its visibility, necessity, and the possibility of editing. That is why in #PowetTeamTTMS we start by simplifying the workflow “as much as possible, but not more”.

    When the history and sequence of events matter

    Simply put, WebCon collects statistical data on completed or ongoing workflows. As a result, not only dates can be controlled, but also “actors” in terms of sequences and content. Logic and chronology are preserved, which gives a clear answer to the question “How was it?” If necessary. In addition, an archived or migrated process maintains an audit trail.

    How much fuel does it consume?

    So many functions, so many brilliant solutions … let’s talk about efficiency. How much does the WebCon engine burn when “stuck”? Well, when it is not working – it is zero-emission. A process in WebCon has two states: either active or dormant. As a result, the concept of using resources while “stuck in traffic” is alien to him.

    WebCon allows you to run a multitude of processes. Take care of #TTMS processes and transfer them to WebCon BPS. Don’t worry about performance. Any problems? Don’t be afraid – #PowerTeamTTMS will be with you.

    At the beginning there was … the circulation of documents

    How was the idea of workflow born? That’s right – it started with the circulation of documents. Workflow merged the process with the document. The situation is completely different in WebCon BPS. Do others create document certificates? In WebCon, a form is enough. If necessary, we will generate a document from it based on a template.

    In WebCon, a document is a formality, an addition, an option that does not require its existence in the process from the very beginning.

    Where is tradition in all this?

    Why a form and not work on a document? Because … low code!

    Predefined document – usually starts with there. We are limited by certain frames. In Webcon, a document is the result of a process. The document is not the environment in which we work. In the form, we work on the attributes, and the entire creation process takes place within it. The document is only the end product if we so wish.

    In other systems called there is no escape from the document workflow.

    Low-code allows you to “click” business rules that we will apply in the process. The attributes on which the rules are based will only give us the final result. In the case of the form, the document doesn’t need to be created. All of this is supported by Designer Studio, an intuitive rule wizard. We used to write these rules in code. Now it is enough to know the rules. They are enough to refer to the appropriate elements of the process to define the appearance of the business rule, without the need for coding.

    The code – if we so wish – can be used in parallel. It is decided by the application designer. If necessary, it can use a more complicated SQL query.

    Intuitive Creator

    When we say “intuitiveness”, we mean not only the wizard itself but also the stage of filling in the form. Here, Webcon’s support simply means convenience.

    In case you forget the values, it will suggest defaults. So it’s hard to avoid the statement that Webcon sets trends in its segment.

    In addition to the fact that the form itself will remind you of the information you need to enter, it will also suggest non-standard information. For example, we can get information about similar processes that are already happening. In the form, you will also find templates for similar processes or reports. The form itself can inform you about the consequences of making a specific decision, without having to refer to such information yourself.

    The form not only collects data, but also presents it, which builds business awareness about processes not only ongoing, but also future, planned, completed, or running in parallel.

    The form can also suggest and present descriptions and graphics to support the user’s work and decisions. This makes Webcon not only help in simple, mechanical processes but also decision support of strategic importance for business.

    “Our market is specific, it will not work for us” – you have probably heard or uttered such a sentence. It results, of course, from a natural concern for business. In this case, however, business is in the best possible hands. Webcon can adapt to every industry and every specificity of the process. It can even be said that it spreads wings precisely thanks to flexible adaptation to a specific business.

    Mikołaj Mińczyk – Transition Technologies MS


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