
7 Different Types of Training Programs for Employees

After some time, it is easy to see that the training needs of the business are repetitive and could be categorized. It came so naturally that we didn’t even notice when we started to recognize these specific elements and tailor our development process to those specific customer needs.

In the e-Learning environment, we know that our work is important – it is necessary for the company to function well, having employees who develop their knowledge and skills. When the process of introducing a new employee runs smoothly and the training offer is even considered a benefit when hiring. E-learning was created to make life easier, to learn faster and more effectively. It is a fascinating, positive and engaging thing. This is the creator’s perspective.

There are books and articles that teach the technical side and present the processes of change in this profession. However, it can be refreshing to go back to the basics and add some new elements. This business, the e-Learning business, changes at the same time as everyone else.

What is Online Corporate Training for Employees?

In the realm of e-Learning, there exists a highly significant and specialized branch known as corporate e-Learning. Unlike the popular e-Learning we encounter daily, corporate e-Learning is unique in its target audience, allocated budget, and specific tools employed. However, what sets it apart most prominently is its intrinsic need for a robust business case.

Online corporate training for employees entails a comprehensive approach to preparing the workforce with the knowledge, skills, and expertise essential for their roles within the company. It leverages digital platforms to deliver interactive and engaging learning experiences that cater to the specific needs of businesses and their employees.

Importance and Benefits

This form of training holds immense importance in today’s dynamic business landscape. Companies recognize that investing in their employees’ development yields numerous benefits, driving overall growth and success. Here’s why online corporate training is essential:</p>

  • Different types of training for employees: E-learning equips employees with the necessary skills and expertise, boosting their productivity and performance levels within the organization.
  • Adaptability and Flexibility: Online training provides flexibility, allowing employees to learn at their own pace and convenience, minimizing disruptions to daily operations.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Corporate e-Learning proves more cost-effective than traditional training methods, as it eliminates the need for physical resources and reduces travel expenses.
  • Consistent Knowledge Sharing: With standardized training materials, companies can ensure uniformity in the knowledge imparted to all employees, promoting consistency across different departments.
  • Real-time Progress Tracking: E-learning platforms offer tracking and analytics features, enabling HR and management to monitor employees’ progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • Engaging Learning Experience: Interactive elements, multimedia content, and gamification in e-Learning make the training experience more enjoyable and result in better knowledge retention.
  • Time Efficiency: Online training programs can be structured to deliver targeted learning modules, allowing employees to focus on specific areas of improvement, thus optimizing their time.


Types of training for employees

What types of training are required for employees? Here are some examples of corporate / business e-Learning, reflecting types of training programs for professionals employees:

1. Product training

Product training is a must in companies that produce – well – products. Be it sponges or dishes, it can also be elevator switches or IT equipment. It doesn’t even have to be a physical product, it can even be software. Whatever it is, at some point the new employee will have to acquire general or more specific knowledge of the product that his employer is selling. This can be done as a presentation to a new employee as part of the onboarding process, or embedded in a specialized training for installers. Such training enables the presentation of a new product line to employees or even customers.


These training courses should contain photos or graphics with information about the product specifications. The quality of photos and diagrams is extremely important. If the training includes instructions, it must be clear, interesting and well-distributed.

There are several types of employees product training addresses:

  • New employees – a short introduction to the company’s products, it may have more interactive elements, it should not be overcrowded with technicalities and details.
  • For all employees of the company as a presentation of a new company product or product line – fast, time-saving, visually attractive and effective, it can take the form of an informative leaflet.
  • For fitters, mechanics, specialists – detailed, accurate, with carefully distributed content, technical data, and very good graphics.
  • For sellers and customers – e-Learning is an interesting and innovative way to present your offer. Compatible with mobile devices, it can be quickly presented and is easy to preview even without access to a computer. A visually attractive brief that can be sent to the client before or after the meeting. It can also help the salesperson refresh knowledge about the company’s products on the way to an appointment.
  • Some companies explore the possibilities of new technologies mainly for this audience – VR and AR is great e-Learning if you can invest in the production of a 3D model of the machine to allow employees practical experience, even when the real machine is unavailable.

2. Tool training

Among the types of training and development programs for employees we can also find tThe tool training explains how to use the application, i.e. it is broadly understood software. This is a very popular and necessary type of training in companies that use many different platforms. E-learning allows you to show users how to use the application’s functions. Sometimes such practices are a requirement before gaining access to it.

Here we can present many interesting solutions:

  • Video-tutorials, so popular in everyday life and therefore familiar and user-friendly
  • Sandbox, i.e. a mockup of a real application, made of screenshots and recordings, where the user can practice individual tasks without making changes to the real system. Here you can introduce many interesting elements – instructions, hints, step-by-step tutorials.
  • Step-by-step instructions that may or may not be part of the e-Learning module. It does just as well on its own as a quick snap in the style of an information leaflet or tip of the week.

3. Knowledge training

Knowledge training and skills training sound very similar, right? However, there is a subtle difference – knowledge training in most cases is mandatory knowledge pills that are often hard to swallow. There is important information to be communicated and this must be remembered by the employee and incorporated into their daily work. The main goal is to convey facts and examples in a visually accessible way, where the form does not overwhelm the content.

It should have a clear goal, agenda, most likely a quiz, and it’s our job as creators to make it as easy to digest as possible. The way to do this is not to throw a mass of clickable elements, animations or interactions into the training. Making it a user-friendly and positive training can happen even beyond the training itself, for example by means of a rewards program. Staff or supervisors should show the employee that the training was not thrown in for the sole purpose of checking off, but that it is needed, useful, and it makes sense to acquire this knowledge.

4. Skills Education Training

Skills education training is a fundamental component of corporate e-Learning, equipping staff with essential competencies to excel in their roles. This comprehensive training covers various areas crucial to an employee’s success within the corporate world. Let’s explore some types of employee training programs:

  • Compliance Training – Corporate entities must adhere to industry regulations and standards. E-learning programs ensure that employees are well-versed in compliance matters, minimizing risks and maintaining the company’s reputation.
  • Leadership Training: Nurturing effective leaders is paramount for any organization’s growth. E-learning modules on leadership skills empower individuals with the knowledge and expertise needed to lead teams and drive results.

5. Human Resource Training

HR training holds immense significance as the backbone of corporate success. It focuses on equipping HR professionals with a diverse set of skills to effectively manage staff, foster a positive work environment, and drive organizational growth. Let’s explore some essential types of HR training for employees:

  • Staff Recruitment and Onboarding Training – HR professionals play a pivotal role in the recruitment process. E-learning offers comprehensive modules on effective recruitment strategies, interviewing techniques, and candidate assessment to identify the best talent for the company. Onboarding training ensures a seamless integration of new hires into the organization, maximizing their productivity and engagement.
  • Automation and Efficiency in HR Processes – Embracing automation in HR tasks streamlines processes, enabling HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives. E-learning provides training on the latest automation tools and techniques to enhance HR efficiency.

6. Safety Training

What types of training are needed for all employees? One of them is safety training – a paramount importance in any corporate setting to ensure the well-being of employees and maintain a secure work environment. This specialized form of training addresses various safety protocols and procedures, equipping staff with the knowledge and skills to handle potential risks effectively. Let’s explore some crucial types of safety training for employees:

  • Orientation and Onboarding Safety Training – Providing new employees with safety training during orientation and onboarding is essential to familiarize them with workplace safety protocols. E-learning facilitates interactive modules to educate new hires on emergency procedures, safety equipment, and hazard identification.
  • Compliance and Corporate Safety Training – Compliance training ensures that all employees are aware of safety regulations and adhere to company safety policies. Corporate safety training addresses specific safety concerns related to the organization’s industry and operations.
  • Technical and Equipment Safety Training – For employees working with technical equipment or machinery, specialized safety training is vital. E-learning offers comprehensive technical safety training to minimize workplace accidents and injuries.

7. Sales Training

Sales training is a pivotal component of corporate e-Learning that aims to enhance the skills and expertise of sales professionals. It equips them with the necessary knowledge and techniques to excel in the competitive sales landscape. Let’s delve into some essential types of sales training programs for professional employees:

  • Product Knowledge Training – In-depth product knowledge is the foundation of successful sales. E-learning offers comprehensive modules that familiarize sales professionals with the company’s products, their features, and unique selling points.
  • Sales Techniques and Strategies – E-learning provides sales professionals with a diverse range of sales techniques and strategies tailored to different customer personas and buying behaviors. This training empowers them to effectively engage with prospects and close deals.
  • Expertise in Client Relationship Management – Building strong and lasting client relationships is crucial for long-term success in sales. E-learning offers training on relationship-building techniques to foster trust and loyalty among clients.
  • Competence in Handling Objections – Handling objections is an essential skill for sales professionals. E-learning provides practical scenarios to help them overcome common objections and turn them into sales opportunities.


How to Organize Different Types of Employee Training in a Corporate Program?

Creating an effective corporate training program requires careful organization and utilization of e-Learning solutions to deliver impactful learning experiences. Let’s explore how e-Learning solutions can be employed to structure a comprehensive corporate training program that encompasses various types of training and development for employees:

  • Customized Learning Paths – Tailoring learning paths based on employees’ roles, skills, and development needs is crucial. E-Learning platforms offer the flexibility to create personalized learning journeys for different staff members, ensuring targeted and relevant training.
  • Interactive Modules – Engaging and interactive training modules are essential for effective learning. e-Learning solutions incorporate multimedia elements, simulations, and gamification to enhance the learning experience and encourage active participation.
  • Mobile-Friendly Accessibility – Providing training that is accessible on various devices, including mobile phones and tablets, allows employees to learn at their convenience, even while on the go.
  • Tracking and Analytics – e-Learning platforms offer tracking and analytics features to monitor employees’ progress and performance throughout the training program. This data helps identify areas of improvement and evaluate the program’s effectiveness.


Consider TTMS as Your Trusted Partner in e-Learning

At TTMS, we take immense pride in being a reliable global partner for corporate training programs and various types of training solutions for employees. With a proven track record of excellence, our company offers a host of reasons why clients can trust us with their e-Learning projects.

Our e-Learning Team is a group of dedicated professionals committed to creating innovative and impactful training solutions. With a deep understanding of various industries and training requirements, they design e-Learning programs that empower employees and drive organizational growth.

Discover our comprehensive E-learning Training Solutions. Whether it’s sales training, technical expertise, safety compliance, or leadership development, we offer a different types of trainings for new employees to suit your corporate training needs.

Unlock the success stories of our transformative e-Learning training programs by visiting our Case Studies page. Immerse yourself in real-world examples of how TTMS has partnered with diverse organizations to revolutionize their corporate training initiatives.

With TTMS as your trusted partner, you can rest assured that your e-Learning project is in capable hands. Our commitment to excellence, customization, and measurable results makes us the ideal choice for organizations seeking top-notch corporate training programs. Let us embark on a journey together to unlock the full potential of your workforce and elevate your business to new heights.

Find out more about TTMS e-Learning Team in our interview with Kamil Bojarski – Director of the e-Learning Department.

Final Thoughts

As we conclude this journey through the realm of corporate e-Learning, it becomes evident that the training needs of businesses can be streamlined and categorized to suit diverse requirements. The magic of e-Learning lies in its ability to empower employees, cultivate skills, and drive organizational growth. Our team at TTMS recognizes the significance of developing knowledge and skills for a thriving workforce.

E-Learning has revolutionized the way employees are trained, introducing a captivating and interactive approach that fosters engagement and knowledge retention. From product training that introduces employees to the company’s offerings, to skill-building programs that nurture effective leaders and sales professionals, e-learning caters to the dynamic needs of modern businesses. Contact us in any aspect of implementing e-learning in your company.

Aneta Filipczyk
Coordinator of the TTMS E-learning Team

What is Online Corporate Training for Employees?

Online corporate training for employees involves using digital platforms to deliver comprehensive learning experiences aimed at equipping the workforce with the necessary knowledge, skills, and expertise essential for their roles within the company. This type of training is tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses and their employees, ensuring a more interactive and engaging learning experience.


Why is Online Corporate Training important?

Online corporate training is crucial because it helps companies invest in their employees’ development, which drives overall growth and success. It ensures that employees have the skills and knowledge needed to perform their roles effectively, leading to increased productivity and performance levels within the organization.


What are the benefits of Online Corporate Training?

Online corporate training offers several benefits, including:

  • Accelerated Pace and Flexibility: It allows employees to learn at their own pace and convenience, minimizing disruptions to daily operations.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: It reduces costs associated with traditional training methods by eliminating the need for physical resources and travel expenses.
  • Consistent Knowledge Sharing: Standardized training materials ensure uniformity in the knowledge imparted to all employees, promoting consistency across different departments.
  • Real-time Progress Tracking: E-learning platforms offer tracking and analytics features, enabling HR and management to monitor employees’ progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • Engaging Learning Experience: Interactive elements, multimedia content, and gamification make the training experience more enjoyable and result in better knowledge retention.
  • Time Efficiency: Online training programs deliver targeted learning modules, allowing employees to focus on specific areas of improvement, thus optimizing their time.

What types of training are available for employees?

There are several types of corporate e-Learning programs available for employees, including:

  • Product Training: Provides knowledge about the company’s products, essential for new employees, installers, salespeople, and customers.
  • Tool Training: Teaches employees how to use various software applications and platforms used within the company.
  • Knowledge Training: Focuses on conveying important information that employees need to remember and incorporate into their daily work.
  • Skills Education Training: Covers essential competencies required for employees to excel in their roles, such as compliance, leadership, and sales techniques.
  • Human Resource Training: Equips HR professionals with the skills needed to manage staff, recruit effectively, and enhance HR processes.
  • Safety Training: Ensures employees are well-versed in safety protocols and procedures to maintain a secure work environment.

How can companies organize different types of employee training in a corporate program?

Creating an effective corporate training program involves:

  • Customized Learning Paths: Tailoring learning paths based on employees’ roles, skills, and development needs.
  • Interactive Modules: Incorporating engaging and interactive training modules that enhance the learning experience.
  • Mobile-Friendly Accessibility: Ensuring training is accessible on various devices, allowing employees to learn at their convenience.
  • Tracking and Analytics: Using e-Learning platforms to monitor employees’ progress and performance, identifying areas for improvement.

Why should companies consider TTMS as a trusted partner in e-Learning?

TTMS offers a proven track record of excellence in corporate training programs and e-Learning solutions. Their dedicated e-Learning team designs innovative and impactful training solutions tailored to various industries and training requirements. TTMS provides comprehensive services, including customized e-Learning training solutions, interactive modules, mobile-friendly accessibility, and real-time progress tracking.


How can I learn more about TTMS’s e-Learning services?

You can explore TTMS’s e-Learning services and discover their success stories by visiting their Case Studies page. Additionally, you can read an interview with Kamil Bojarski, Director of the e-Learning Department, to gain insights into their expertise and approach to e-Learning.